Former SAG chief executiveofficer and top studio executive Robert Pisano has been named chief operatingofficer and president of the MPAA.
From Oct 1 Pisano willassume daily operating responsibility for all domestic and international MPAAoperations other than Washington DC-based external and governmental affairs.
Based in the MPAA's LosAngeles offices, he will report to MPAA chairman and chief executive officerDan Glickman.
"Having this uniquelyexperienced industry veteran on my team will help me drive the priorities ofthis crucial American industry here and overseas and permit me to devote mytime and energy to setting strategic priorities which will facilitate asuccessful motion picture industry at home and around the world," Glickmansaid.
"While the rapid evolutionof technology has presented a vast new spectrum of opportunities for members ofthe MPAA, it has presented a corresponding array of challenges," Pisano added.
"I feel privileged to joinDan in addressing those challenges and in helping him keep the special voice ofthe Association strong and clear."
Washington DC-based externalaffairs, including federal government affairs and corporate communications,will continue to be managed by executive vice president John Feehery, whoreports to Glickman.
Glickman heads upHollywood's voluntary rating system, the Classification and RatingAdministration, and its companion Advertising Administration.
From 2001 Pisano served asnational executive director and chief executive officer of SAG. Prior to thathis appointments included executive vice president and then vice chairman ofMGM, as well as executive vice president at Paramount.
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