The Global Film Initiativehas unveiled its third annual Global Lens touring film series featuring eightfeatures and five shorts from developing-world countries.
The series will screen incities across the US beginning in January through partnerships with major culturalinstitutions including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Museum of FineArts in Boston, and the Oklahoma City Museum of Art.
The Global Lens 2006 areLucia Murat's Brazilian crime drama Almost Brothers, Kambozia Partovi's Iranian family drama BorderCafe, Marcelos Gomes' Braziliansecond world war drama Cinema, Aspirins And Vultures, and Danielle Arbid's Lebanese wartime drama InThe Battlefields.
The roster continues withTeddy Mattera's South African drama Max And Mona, Fanta Regina Nacro's reconciliation drama TheNight Of Truth from Burkina Faso, LiShaohong's Chinese tragic romance Stolen Life from China, and Tawfik Abu Wael's Palestinian familydrama Thirst.
The shorts are Source OfHistory by Adama Roamba from BurkinaFaso, Little Terrorist by AshvinKumar from India, Harvest Time byZheng Zheng from China, Elephants Never Forget by Lorenzo Vigas Castes from Venezuela, and MoreThan The World by Lautaro Nunez deArco from Argentina.
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