Vancouver-based sales agentHorizon Entertainment has signed a deal to handle four titles on MediaBlasters' genre slate.
The package includes twoEnglish-language titles: the serial killer horror film Shadow: DeadRiot starring Tony Todd of Candyman; and the occult horror tale Flesh For TheBeast.
Rounding out the slate areJapanese pictures The Neighbour No. 13, based on a Manga story about a man's revenge on an oldclassmate, and the martial arts title Death Trance.
Horizon president RobStraight negotiated the deal with Media Blasters' Jon Sirabella.
Horizon's Cannes slateincludes Tom Matzner's Sundance title Dreamland, Ham Tran's post Vietnam epic Journey From TheFall, and Producer TakaIchise's Noroi - The Curse.
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