Alanis Obomsawin willreceive the International Documentary Association (IDA) Pioneer Award in honourof her "unique and important contributions to advancing the art of non-fictionfilmmaking".

Obomsawin has written,produced, directed and composed music for more than 20 documentarieschronicling the native people of Canada including Incident At Restigouche,about a raid by the Quebec police on the Micmac reservation, suicide story CryFrom The Diary Of A Metis Child, and Kanehsatake: 270 Years Of Resistance, abouta Native American uprising.

"Alanis Obomsawin is aninspirational filmmaker who is creating an unique and important body ofwork," IDA executive director Sandra Ruch said in a statement. "Her filmshave created an enduring record of the history of the Canadians."

"I quickly realisedthat film was an incredibly powerful way for our people to be heard, exposewhat is wrong and fight for social change," Obomsawin said.

"I also decided thatfilm could preserve the oral stories and songs of our history for futuregenerations. They aren't just for the short term. They will be there for futuregenerations."

Obomsawin will receive herhonour at the 20th Annual IDA Distinguished Documentary Achievement Awards Galain Los Angeles on Dec 10.