One week afterUIP opened Paramount's Clive Cussler romp Sahara at number one in the UK and Australia,the distributor is attempting to usurp its champion with wide releases in bothmarkets for The Interpreter.
Universal'sUN-set thriller opens on 200 prints in Australia on Apr 14 and goes out on 350in the UK, and should prosper given the popularity of Nicole Kidman,particularly in her native Australia.
The picture alsoopens in Spain on Apr 14 on 195 prints and Taiwan a day later on 70. It opensin North America on Apr 22.
However TheInterpreter will facestiff competition from The Amityville Horror, Hollywood's latest horror remake, whichopens day-and-date with North America through Fox International in Australia onApr 14 on 180 prints and the UK a day later on 356.
FoxInternational executives should capitalise on the genre's high stock. Constantine recently opened top in Australia, whileUK horror fans have already ensured number one launches this year for TheRing 2 and Boogeyman (both through UIP), and Hide And Seek (through Fox International).
Robots has no major openings scheduled for theweekend and should benefit from continued holdover business as it closes in onthe magical $100m mark. The picture has amassed $85m to date.
The caper sequelBe Cool, whichgrossed $21.3m to date, opens in Brazil and Italy on Apr 15 on 119 and 232prints respectively. Flight Of The Phoenix, which currently stands at $8m, will open in Mexico on Apr15 on 150 prints.
Warner Bros Pictures International's Miss Congeniality2 gets a much-needed push this weekend witha raft of debuts including France on Apr 13, and Mexico and Russia on Apr 15.The comedy sequel has amassed $33.3m to date.
The supernaturalthriller Constantineopens in Japan on Apr 16 and has amassed $123.5m to date. The Aviator and Alexander have taken $18.7m and $34.1mrespectively in Warner Bros markets, while A Very Long Engagement stands at $62.2m, and Ocean's Twelve has reached $236.9m.
Buena VistaInternational (BVI) gives family title The Pacifier its biggest weekend thus far, withopenings scheduled for Germany and Hong Kong, among others, on Apr 14, andRussia on Apr 15. The picture has taken $9.3m to date.
Pooh'sHeffalump Movie was setto open in France on Apr 13 and currently stands at $21.2m.
New LineInternational's Son Of The Mask opens in Brazil through P.A. Pictures on Apr 15, and Japanthrough Gaga on Apr 16. It has grossed $18.2m to date.
Latestinternational running totals put Blade 3 on $70.9m, After The Sunset on $23.4m, Birth on $15.5m, Cellular on $23.6m, and The Notebook on $34.1m.
Information from SonyPictures releasing International was unavailable at time of writing.
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