Los Angeles-based mPRm Public Relations has reorganised itsoperational structure and named several key appointments.
The company will now operate under the following broad practiceareas: General Entertainment, housing DVD and television; Digital Media andTechnology (DMT), which encompasses emerging and converging media; and Film& Events.
mPRm has hired Anthony Sprauve as senior vice president in the DMTpractice. Shari Mesulam has been promoted to vice president in Film &Events after two years as a director in the lifestyle practice, and EmaOstarcevic, Sarah Carragher and Ariana Nash have joined as directors in DMT,General Entertainment and Film & Events respectively.
Sprauve, who reports to co-preesidents Rachel McCallister and MarkPogachefsky, previously served as senior communications consultant for the WaltDisney Internet Group, where he oversaw PR for the nascent Disney Mobiledivision. Prior to that he held executive posts at Starbucks, PayPal, Oracle,NCR, Verizon, Hewlett Packard and LexisNexis.
Ostarcevic most recently served in Salt Lake City, Utah and hasseveral years' experience in investor and public relations. Carragher served asa publicity consultant for Sony Pictures Entertainment, Mutual Film Co, andmost recently the USA Network. Nash arrives from San Francisco after workingfor six years at Allied Advertising, Public Relations. She reports to Film& Events senior vice president Michael Lawson.
mPRm has alsohired senior account executives Danika Berry in DMT, Karen Oberman in Film& Events, and Suzanne Cornell and Mimi Fong in General Entertainment.
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