Kathleen McInnis is steppingdown from her role as Slamdance Film Festival director, following theevent's most successful incarnations back in January.
"We wish the best forKathleen," festival co-founder and president Peter Baxter said in astatement. "We have been fortunate to enjoy a great working relationshipwith her, and we were happy for the direction she took the festival in this,our "transitional, year."
McInnis, who joined thefestival after a long stint at the Seattle International Film Festival, added:"I'm honoured the co-founders thought enough of me to bring me in on such adynamic year.
"I'm excited to see whatlays ahead for Slamdance in their ongoing mission of "by filmmakers forfilmmakers" - which always yields such great results for the filmmakers whomake it to the festival."
Next year's Slamdance willrun from Jan 20-28, 2006 in Park City, Utah.
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