Robbie Little's Little Film Company has closed more sales on GavinHood's Toronto Film Festival's People's Choice Award winner Tsotsi.
Rights have gone to MK2 in France, Rialto in Australia and NewZealand, Castello Lopes in Portugal, and Rosebud in Greece.
The picture will be released through Miramax in North America,Kinowelt in Germany, and Momentum in the UK.
Peter Fudakowski produced the story based on playwright AtholFugard's novel about a Johannesburg gang leader who shoots a woman and stealsher car, unaware that her baby is in the back seat.
"Tsotsiis an amazing film that connects with audiences from every country on manylevels," Little said. "The impressive sales to date speak to the quality of thefilm as a number of emotional elements combine to make the film appealing tointernational audiences.
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