Kevin Spacey arrives at his sexual assault trial in Southwark Crown Court, London

Source: Mark Thomas/Shutterstock

Kevin Spacey arrives at his sexual assault trial in Southwark Crown Court, London

An aspiring actor has detailed how US star Kevin Spacey allegedly drugged the man, referring to Spacey as a “vile, sexual predator”.

The man, who is the last of four complainants to give evidence against Oscar winner Spacey at London’s Southwark Crown Court, told jurors he fell asleep at Spacey’s London flat, before being sexually assaulted, which he described as “completely traumatic and life-ruining”.

He had contacted Spacey asking for mentorship in 2008, and was “dumbstruck” to receive a call a few weeks later suggesting a meeting. They met in London, and Spacey invited him back to his flat, where the man states they drank beer and smoked part of a joint.

The American Beauty star then allegedly rubbed his face in the complainant’s crotch area, with the alleged victim admitting he did not want to “annoy” Spacey owing to his power in the business.

After about an hour, the man told the court that things became “hazy”, before waking a few hours later, with Spacey allegedly performing a sex act on him.

Defence lawyer Patrick Gibbs questioned the alleged victim’s sexuality, asking whether his way of coming to terms with a consensual act was to say it happened when he fell asleep. The man said: “This is the most reprehensible line of questioning.”

Spacey is on trial accused of 12 sex offences against four men in the UK between 2001 and 2013. He denies all charges.