samson c pure flix productions

Source: Pure Flix Productions

Billy Zane in ‘Samson’

Pure Flix/Quality Flix is screening four new features in Cannes to offer to buyers – works-in-progress Little Women and Indivisible, along with recent US releases God’s Not Dead: A Light In Darkness, and Samson.

Indivisible screens in the market on May 14, and recounts the story of a US Army chaplain whose faith is tested when he returns home from combat. Madeline Carroll, Sarah Drew, Jason George, Skye P. Marshall and Eric Close star.

Little Women is based on the Louisa May Alcott classic novel about the lives of four sisters who maintain a close bond despite a challenging upbringing. It screens in the market as a work-in-progress, also on May 14. Lea Thompson, Ian Bohen, Lucas Grabeel, Bart Johnson, and Sarah Davenport star.

Action-packed Bibical adaptation Samson starring Taylor James and Billy Zane has grossed more than $4.5m since it launched in 1,300 theatres. Pure Flix/Quality Flix vice-president of international sales Ron Gell has licensed rights to Australia and New Zealand (Crossroads), Canada (Universal Home Entertainment and Mongrel), Japan (Zazie), and Africa (CMD).

Gell has licensed rights to God’s Not Dead: A Light In Darkness to Australia and New Zealand (Crossroads), Canada (Universal Home Entertainment and Mongrel), Latin America (California Filmes), South Korea (CBS), and Spain (European Dreams).

Pure Flix/Quality Flix recently sold The Stray to Lighthouse in Germany, CMD in Africa, Crossroads in Australia and New Zealand, Universal Home Entertainment in Canada, California Filmes in Latin America.

A Question Of Faith has gone to California Filmes in Latin America, Universal Home Entertainment in Canada, and CMD in Africa.

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