Fifty classicAustralian films made from 1955 through to 1992 have benefited from a preservationproject begun five years ago. Theproject combines the expertise and resources of film stock supplier Kodak (
Last nightin
Director PhillipNoyce has been credited with inspiring the creationof what is known as the Kodak/Atlab Cinema Collectionafter he saw a 1997 Sydney Film Festival screening of his debut film Newsfront
Formerdeputy director of the NFSA, Ray Edmondson, played a big part in getting thepartners together, and former staffer Jane Adam co-ordinated the project.
Noyce waslast week honoured with the NFSA's annual Ken G HallAward for his contribution to preservation.
Pastrecipients include director Peter Weir, producers Anthony Buckley and JoanLong, filmmaker and historian Graham Shirley, film historian Judy Adamson, Atlab managing director Murray Forrest, film preservationexpert Tom Nurse from Kodak Australasia, and the joint inaugural winners, Alan Rydge of the Greater Union Group and Rupert Murdoch of NewsCorporation.
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