UK producer/director Scott Mann is partnering with composer/director James Edward Barker to co-own production company Mann Made Films.

The company plans to work on commercial features for the international market.

Mann Made previously made The Tournament (which Mann also directed); Barker’s Veneration Music recently produced Noel Clarke’s4.3.2.1.

Mann and Barker will handle all production via Mann Made and will co-develop music publishing and composing opportunities via Veneration.The slate includes US comedy The Mallusionist, which Barker will produce along with John Cameron (Bad Santa); supernatural horror The Vanishment with The Bureau’s Tristan Goligher. They will also work on a number of films for Mann to direct.

The duo are also working on an action brand, to be announced soon. Meanwhile, they are executive producing The Drought (sold via K5) and The Night Hag (from The Tournament writer Jonathan Frank).