ShowtimeNetworks, IDT Entertainment's New Arc Entertainment, Industry Entertainment andNice Guy Productions have announced the first six titles in their Masters OfHorror series by acclaimedgenre filmmakers, set to begin production in Vancouver in April.
John Landis (AnAmerican Werewolf In London) will direct Deer Woman starring BrianBenben, which Landis co-wrote with his son Max Landis; Dario Argento (Suspiria) will direct Jennifer based on the book by Bruce Jones andBernie Wrightson to be adapted byand starring Steven Weber; and Don Coscarelli (Phantasm) will direct Incident On And Off A Mountain Road, adapted by the director and Stephen Romano from JoeLansdale's short story.
Mick Garris (TheStand) will direct Chocolate adapted from his own short story; StuartGordon (Re-Animator)will direct Dreams In The Witch House, adapted from HP Lovecraft's classic tale; and JohnCarpenter (Halloween)will direct Cigarette Burns from an original teleplay by Drew McWeeny and Scott Swan.
The talent listalso includes Dawn Of The Dead creator George Romero, Texas
Chainsaw Massacre directorTobe Hooper, Joe Dante (The Howling),Larry Cohen (It's Alive), andRoger Corman (Little Shop Of Horrors).
IDT Entertainment Sales will handle worldwide sales on theseries and Anchor Bay will distribute on video. The deal is for a combinedminimum of 13 one-hour pictures.
"Showtime isthrilled to be working with this roster of filmmakers, all of whom havecontributed significantly to the horror and suspense genre," Showtime presidentof entertainment Robert Greenblatt said in a statement. Garris, Industry Entertainment'sAndrew Deane and Keith Addis, Reunion Pictures' Lisa Richardson and Tom Roweare serving as executive producers.
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