Michael Heuser's StormEntertainment has picked up worldwide sales rights on Julia Taylor-Stanley's TheseFoolish Things starring TerenceStamp, Lauren Bacall, Anjelica Huston and Joss Ackland.
Taylor-Stanley's directorialdebut, which will receive its first market screening at Cannes, is a pre-warstory centring on a young actress' efforts to emulate her mother's glitteringstage career.
Taylor-Stanley wrote thescreenplay based on Broadway playwright Noel Langley's book There's APorpoise Close Behind Us.
Zoe Tapper, Andrew Lincolnand David Leon also star in the picture, which was funded entirely out of theUK by the Bank of Ireland, Future Film Group, Microfusion and privateinvestors.
Storm's Cannes slateincludes market debuts for Saran Barnum's action adventure The Hillz and RobertGolden's revenge tale Ku, as wellas first market screenings for Paul Marcus' family title Heidi starring Emma Bolger, Max Von Sydow and GeraldineChaplin, and Dominic Lees' thriller Outlanders.
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