NewYork-based Strand Releasing has acquired US rights for Tim Kirkman's Loggerheads from Andrew Herwitz's Film SalesCompany.
Strandco-presidents Jon Gerrans and Marcus Hu are now planning a November release for the familydrama which premiered in official selection atSundance earlier this year.
Herwitz has also sold Israeli rights toShani Films and expects to announce further sales at Cannes including a UStelevision deal.
Loggerheads,starring Kip Pardue, Bonnie Hunt and Michael Learned, centres on a youngdrifter who travels to a coastal town to save endangered turtles.
LasalleHolland's Gill Holland and Lillian LaSalle produced the picture in associationwith Independent Dream Motion Pictures' Zeke Zelker and 120db Films' StephenHays.
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