Work by Anders ThomasJensen, Bent Hamer, Stewart Copeland, Matthew Barney and Larry Clark will playin the out-of-competition Spectrum, Frontier and Park City at Midnightcategories at Sundance.
Encompassing the strandspreviously known as American Spectrum and Special Screenings, the 2006 theSpectrum programme has expanded to include international titles.
Its line-up of 24 entriesincludes Jensen's Danish foreign language Oscar submission and Toronto entry Adam'sApples, Hamer's Cannes screener andCharles Bukowski adaptation Factotum, Copeland's insider guide to 1980s supergroup The Police in EveryoneStares: The Police Inside Out, JohnHillcoat's Australian epic and Toronto title The Proposition, and Chris Paine's EV Confidential: Who KilledThe Electric Car.
Frontier showcases fivetitles including Kelly Reichardt's tale of Oregon campers who undergo spiritualchallenges in Old Joy, while thePark City At Midnight programme presents a typically outre selection of titles,among them Nathaniel Hornblower's live Beastie Boys set Awesome, I Fuckin'Shot That!, Neil Marshall's UKhorror The Descent, RogerIngraham's Midwestern vampire tale Moonshine, and Destricted, a collective art-film fusion by Barney, Clark, Gaspar Noe, MarcoBrambilla and Sam Taylor Wood.
"Spectrum has essentiallybeen an American category before this, but the problem was we had no place toput international films if they weren't playing in competition so we decided tobroaden its focus," Sundance Festival director Geoff Gilmore said.
"It's important to get newfilmmakers into a festival. One of my criticisms of international filmmaking inthe past has been that an old boys network determined which films would travelto festivals. We want to broaden the access because Sundance is about discovery."
Spectrum line-up:
A Matter Of Degrees (USA) Dir: Davis Guggenheim
Filmed footage from AlGore's acclaimed presentationon global climate change.
World Premiere
Adam's Apples (Denmark) Dir: Anders Thomas Jensen
Dark comedy about a neo-Nazisentenced to community service at a church.
US Premiere
All Aboard! Rosie'sFamily Cruise (USA) Dir: ShariCookson
Documentary follows Rosieand Kellie O'Donnell as they create a floating utopia for 500 gay and lesbianfamilies.
World Premiere
Battle In Heaven (Mexico/France/Germany/Belgium) Dir: Carlos Reygadas
Married kidnappers' ransomplans go horribly wrong when the infant dies.
US Premiere
Beyond Beats And Rhymes:A Hip-Hop Head Weighs In On Manhood In Hip-Hop Culture (USA)Dir: Byron Hurt
Documentary about a former college quarterback who tackles the notion ofmasculinity in hip-hop culture.
World Premiere
Clear Cut: The Story OfPhilomath, Oregon (USA) Dir: PeterRichardson
Documentary about a ruralOregon timber town that is torn apart by a school district rift.
World Premiere
Dreamland (USA) Dir:Jason Matzner
A young trailer parkresident's ambitions are challenged as she struggles to care for her father andailing friend.
World Premiere
EV Confidential: WhoKilled The Electric Car' (USA) Dir:Chris Paine
Documentary investigates thehistory of the electric car and the role of renewable energy.
World Premiere
Everyone Stares: ThePolice Inside Out (USA) Dir: StewartCopeland
The expert drummer offers the inside track on life with the former supergroup.
World Premiere
Factotum (Norway) Dir: Bent Hamer
Based on Charles Bukowski'snovel, Factotum charts the life of a writer willing to risk everything forpoetry.
US Premiere
Forgiving The Franklins (USA) Dir: Jay Floyd
A repressed, God fearing Southern family is spiritually changed by a caraccident.
World Premiere
Jewboy(Australia) Dir: Tony Krawitz
A young Orthodox Jew searches for his place in the world, his family and hisfaith.
North American Premiere
Journey From The Fall(Thailand/USA) Dir: Ham Tran
A family of emigres torn apart by the Vietnam War struggles to survive inAmerica.
North American Premiere
La Tragedia De Macario (USA) Dir: Pablo Veliz
Dramatic tale of immigrants struggling to cross the Mexico-US border.
World Premiere
Leonard Cohen I'm YourMan (USA) Dir: Lian Lunson
The legendary singerprofiled.
US Premiere
Man Push Cart (Iran-USA) Dir: Ramin Bahrani
The story of a former Pakistani rock star who sells coffee and doughnuts on thestreets of Manhattan.
North American Premiere
Off The Black (USA) Dir: James Ponsoldt
An unusual friendship develops between an aging high-school baseball umpire anda young vandal.
World Premiere
Open Window (USA) Dir: Mia Goldman
A newly engaged couple's lives are shattered by a random act of violence.
World Premiere
The Proposition (Australia) Dir: John Hillcoat
Bushranger era tale about loyalty and betrayal.
US Premiere
Punching At The Sun (USA) Dir: Tanuj Chopra
A South Asian teen strugglesto find a path between rage and redemption on the streets of Queens post-9/11.
World Premiere
Special (USA) Dirs: Jeremy Passmore and Hal Haberman
A meter maid's mundane lifeis transformed when he enrolls in a drug study for an experimentalanti-depressant.
World Premiere
What Remains (USA) Dir:Steven Cantor
An investigation into the creative process and life of controversial Americanphotographer Sally Mann.
World Premiere
Who Needs sleep' (USA) Dir: Haskell Wexler
Haskell Wexler, himself the subject of a documentary last year, explores sleepdeprivation.
World Premiere
Wrestling With Angels:Playwright Tony Kushner (USA) Dir:Freida Lee Mock
Documentary chronicling the life of award-winning playwright and activist TonyKushner.
World Premiere
A Darkness Swallowed (USA) Dir: Betzy Bromberg
A personal investigation ofcellular memory styled as a musical meditation on memory and loss.
Cinnamon (USA) Dir: Kevin Everson
A glimpse into the world ofAfrican American drag racing.
World Premiere
Old Joy (USA)Dir: Kelly Reichardt
Two old friends reunite for a weekend camping trip in Oregon and encounterspiritual battles.
World Premiere
Pine Flat (USA) Dir: Sharon Lockhart
An anthropological look atyouth and socialisation in the Sierra Nevada mountains.
World Premiere
Wild Tigers I Have Known (USA) Dir: Cam Archer
Lyrical coming-of -age storyabout a 13-year-old boy who learns to cope with newfound sexuality andunrequited love.
World Premiere
Frontier Live:
Our Second Date (USA) Artists: Jennifer and Kevin McCoy
The McCoys' latest installationfeatures a miniature movie set geared for live robotic cinema.
Park City At Midnight:
American Hardcore (USA) Dir: Paul Rauchman
The underground hardcore punk scene documented from 1979 to 1986.
World Premiere
Awesome, I Fuckin' ShotThat! (USA) Dir: NathanialHornblower
Live 2004 Beastie Boys concert shot by the fans after the band handed out 50Hi-8 cameras.
World Premiere
The Descent (UK) Dir: Neil Marshall
A female caving expedition goes horribly wrong when a strange breed ofpredators strikes.
North American Premiere
Destricted (USA) Dirs: Mathew Barney, Larry Clark, Gaspar Noe,Marco Brambilla, and Sam Taylor Wood
Art meets sexuality in thisunprecedented compilation of erotic art films.
World Premiere
The Foot Fist Way (USA) Dir: JodyHill
A tae-kwon-do instructorvents his anger after his wife cheats on him.
World Premiere
Moonshine (USA) Dir:Roger Ingraham
A young Midwest conveniencestore clerk turns into a vampire.
World Premiere
Salvage (USA) Dirs: Josh Crook andJeff Croo
A student unravels themystery of a recurring premonition of her own death.
World Premiere
Subject Two (USA) Dir: PhilipChidel
A medical student volunteersfor resurrection experiments and is killed over and over again by a reclusivedoctor.
World Premiere
The festival runs fromJanuary 19-29, 2006. For more details visit the official website
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