Universal PicturesInternational (UPI) has appointed Sara Deeks as Senior Vice President,International Marketing and Darren Linton as Vice President, InternationalMarketing, effective 16 May 2005.
Deeks joins UPI fromBarclays Bank where she was most recently Brand Strategy Director with theresponsibility for devising and implementing the global brand strategy for thecompany. Prior to Barclays, Deeksworked in marketing at Cable & Wireless, Telewest and British Telecom.
Her remit at UPI is to leadinternational marketing strategy on Universal and DreamWorks product as well ashandling corporate partnerships and driving international strategy on organicgrowth, research and new technologies.
Linton has been appointed tothe role of Vice President, International Marketing, having served six yearswithin Universal, most latterly as Marketing Director of Universal PicturesUK.
Linton's remit is to leadthe marketing campaigns on a diverse slate of Universal new release, specialinterest and catalogue product.
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