The Utah Film Commission has increased by 50% the rebate available to film-makers through the State's Motion Picture Incentive Fund (MPIF).

The incentive package rises from 10% to a 15% post-performance rebate for every dollar spent in the state of Utah.

The cap on the fund remains at $500,000 and the budget for each film must be at least $1m. Qualifying projects have access to $4m duringfiscal year 2007-2008, which began Jul 1, 2007.

'When we first started the incentives programme a few years ago through the Industrial Assistance Fund (IAF), there were only 15 other states offering film incentives,' Utah Film Commission director Marshall D Moore said. 'Now there are over 40, and there are more in the works.'

The board also approved incentive applications for three films: The American Mall, Yankles and the Disney Channel's Minutemen, which will begin filming within the next few weeks.

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