Venice has announced the films screening as part of the festival’s tribute to John Woo.

On Sept 2, Venice will screen 1989’s The Killer (restored version by The Weinstein Company) and Mujeokja, the Korean remake of his masterpiece A Better Tomorrow (1985), which is being now in post by director Hae-sung Song.

As revealed in December, John Woo is being honoured with Venice’s Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement. That ceremony will be held Sept 3, and will be followed by the world premiere gala screening of Reign of Assassins (Jianyu), which Woo co-directed.

That martial arts epic, sold by Fortissimo, is about an expert swordswoman (Michelle Yeoh) in ancient China who falls in love with the wrong man on her quest to bring a holy monk’s remains to a place of eternal rest.