Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Public Relations Branch
governor Cheryl Boone Isaacs has been elected president of the
Academy's educational and cultural arm the Academy Foundation.

Executives Branch governor Robert Rehme was elected vice president,
Film Editors Branch governor Donn Cambern was re-elected vice
president, Music Branch governor Charles Bernstein was elected
treasurer, and Public Relations Branch governor and current Academy
president Sid Ganis was re-elected secretary.

Academy executive director Bruce Davis remains executive secretary of
the Foundation.

The Foundation's public programmes include the Gold Standard and Great
To Be Nominated screening series, tributes and exhibitions, the annual
Student Academy Awards and Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting

Foundation trustees for 2007-08 are: Bernstein, Jon Bloom (Short Films
and Feature Animation Branch), James L Brooks (Writers Branch),
Cambern, Caleb Deschanel (Cinematographers Branch), Ganis, Jim
Gianopulos (Executives Branch), J Paul Huntsman (Sound Branch),
Isaacs, Fay Kanin (Writers Branch), Kevin O'Connell (Sound Branch),
Frank Pierson (Writers Branch), Rehme, Tom Sherak (Executives Branch),
Bill Taylor (Visual Effects) and Henry Winkler (Actors Branch).

The Academy Foundation was established in 1942 to oversee all
educational, preservation and cultural activities of the Academy. Its
trustees and officers serve one-year terms.