All Screen articles in 2 March 2007 – Page 2

  • Features

    United Kingdom - Hot spring


    This spring will bring a bountiful crop of rising writers in the UK literary fiction landscape, many of whom have novels ripe for film treatment.Several have already been harvested by producers - Scott Rudin and Columbia Pictures have taken rights to Khaled Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns, the eagerly awaited ...

  • Features

    Germany - Rebel Yella


    Christian Petzold's feature Yella is his sixth collaboration with the Berlin-based production outfit Schramm Film Koerner + Weber, after successes including the German Film Award-winning The State I Am In (Die Innere Sicherheit), which premiered in Venice in 2000, and the Berlinale 2005 Competition film Ghosts (Gespenster)."For the first time, ...

  • Features

    Ghost Rider holds fire at the top


    Ghost Rider holds on to the top spot this weekend, generating $16.9m after opening in an additional 17 territories across a further 1,291 screens. Fox's Night At The Museum was not far behind, raking in an impressive $14.2m in its tenth week, despite dropping from seven territories. French cinemas favoured ...

  • Features

    European - Territory Overview: France - Highly visible success


    French animation is enjoying a revival, with Luc Besson's Arthur And The Invisibles raking it in at the local and foreign box office and many other high-profile projects underway. But, just as in the US where an overstretched market is starting to buckle, France may not be able to sustain ...

  • Features

    Editorial - Eyes of the world


    US commentators on the 79th Academy Awards spent many column inches noting the international flavour of this year's event. And indeed there were a remarkable number of nominations in the main sections for Mexican film and film-makers.The strong presence again of the British - particularly Helen Mirren's regal procession to ...

  • Features

    European - Case study: Max & Co - Puppet masters pull the strings


    On paper, Max & Co looks like a big risk. Budgeted at $25m (EUR19m), the animated first-time feature from director brothers Fred and Sam Guillaume started out as a short. But as it evolved, and with input from producer Robert Boner, it became clear it would be better served as ...

  • News

    Italy's box-office renaissance


    Italy's reputation as a box-office problem territory has been firmly cemented over the last couple of years - but a stellar start to 2007 suggests it is time for reassessment. It has blasted into the first two months of the year with a record eight consecutive weekends topping the $13m ...

  • Features

    Language barriers


    It is a longstanding tradition that the day prior to the Academy Awards, the directors of the films nominated in the foreign-language category take to the stage of the Samuel Goldwyn Theater and talk about their work and the state of international cinema.This year, the film-makers in question, Denmark's Susanne ...

  • Features

    Italy - The good, the bad and the awarded


    Fresh from picking up his lifetime achievement Academy Award in Hollywood at the weekend, 78-year-old Italian maestro Ennio Morricone is still one of the busiest men in the business.In the weeks before the Oscars, Morricone's schedule was typically packed: flights to New York and London for concerts; performances in Italy; ...

  • Features

    European - Event: Cartoon movie - Forum for European animations


    Cartoon Movie's annual Forum for European Animation Films is billed as "neither a fair nor a festival, but rather a co-production forum where European producers can negotiate the financing of their feature-length projects and provide support to international co-operation". It combines trailer presentations, business meetings and screenings with the chance ...

  • Features

    European animation - Drawn to Europe


    It may boast an abundance of talent, but European animation has always been little more than a cottage industry. And in a global market dominated by the likes of Disney and DreamWorks Animation, Europe's lack of marketing clout, branding and distribution is painfully obvious.But there are signs that European feature ...

  • Features

    European animation - Case Study: Arthur and the Invisibles - 'We had no clue how tough it was going to be'


    In making Arthur And The Invisibles, Luc Besson (pictured) refused to accept the conventional wisdom that European animation was a cottage industry. It looks as if his gamble has paid off, with the film already scoring more than 6.2 million admissions in France. The aim now is to shoot the ...

  • Features

    European animation - Territory Overview: Spain - 'Animation is in hot demand'


    The 2001 animated feature The Living Forest marked a before and after in Spanish animation. Europe's first 3D computer animation, it was seen by more than a million viewers across the continent. Its success helped producer Dygra Films finance its $8m (EUR6.1m) Midsummer Dream, and grow its company with an ...

  • Features

    European - Selling European animation - Drawing the battle lines


    Television looms large over European animation. "The biggest problem in selling animation in Europe is that the market is primarily for (TV) series - 30-minute episodes," says Czech-based producer and sales agent John Riley, who has sold the work of Czech master Jan Svankmajer.With bigger-budget Euro-animated features, sales agents need ...

  • Features

    Data - Market focus - Turning tide in HK affairs


    When William Monahan accepted his best adapted screenplay Oscar for The Departed, he thanked Felix Chong and Alan Mak, the writers of its source material, Hong Kong movie Infernal Affairs. But he could have also paid homage to Media Asia's chairman Peter Lam who greenlit the high-concept thriller.Infernal Affairs single-handedly ...

  • Features

    European animation - Territory Overview: Germany - It's a family affair


    German animations were traditionally targeted at children, but all that changed in the early 1990s when producers hit on 'adult' animation features with successful comic-book adaptations Werner - Volles Rooaaa! (2.7 million admissions) and The Little Bastard (three million). However, animation studios now tend to focus on fare for the ...

  • Features

    European - Aardman animations - 'We feel liberated in a delightful way'


    Peter Lord, a founder of Aardman Animations, is in optimistic mood following the company's recent divorce from DreamWorks."We just feel liberated in an incredibly delightful way," says Lord. "Many other people are interested in doing business with us, both within Europe and in the US. What it means creatively is ...

  • News

    Ascot Elite takes Swiss rights to Doerrie's How To Cook


    Zurich-based Ascot Elite has bought Swiss rights to Doris Doerrie's documentary How To Cook Your Life from Atrix Films.The film, which had its world premiere in the Berlinale Special section at the Berlin Film Festival last month, follows Doerrie as she engages Zen Master Edward Espe Brown to explain the ...

  • News

    Oscar winner Caroline Link to shoot new feature in Munich


    Germany Oscar-winning director Caroline Link, who received the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 2003 for Nowhere In Africa (Nirgendwo In Afrika), is to begin shooting her next feature Im Winter Ein Jahr (working title) this summer at locations in Munich and surroundings.The co-production between Bavaria Filmverleih- und Produktions ...

  • News

    Asian locations: Taiwan


    Just a 90-minute flight from Hong Kong, Taiwan has world-class DoPs and sound designers. It is cheaper than Hong Kong, but is not as wellIn 2004, the government introduced tax credits to boost local production and attract international shoots, which offered a 20% tax deduction on capital investment in new ...