Lucrecia Martel, Daniel Burman, Pablo Trapero, Lisandro Alonso and other 13 Argentinian directors have received support in the latest round of funding by France's Fonds Sud and Iberoamerican film fund Ibermedia Program.

At its latest meeting in Buenos Aires, Ibermedia announced the winners of its first annual round for a total amount of $2m. The program, funded by 17 Iberoamerican countries, selected 62 out of 114 evaluated projects from Spain, Portugal and Latin America.

Daniel Burman's The Empty Nest ($120,000), Lisandro Alonso's Liverpool ($65,000); Paula De Luque's The Dress ($70,000); David Blaustein's Rebelled Fragments ($25,000) and Pablo Jose Meza's The Old Woman At The Back ($70,000) are among the co-productions between Argentinian companies and European partners which received financial support.

Another five local film-makers were supported by Fonds Sud at the second annual meeting of the French program for a total sum of $0.7m: Lucrecia Martel's The Headless Woman, Fernando Solanas' documentary Los Hombres Que Estan Solos Y Esperan (Men Who Are Alone and Waiting), Pablo Fendrik's Blood Appears, Pablo Aguero's Atrapasueños (Dreamcatcher), and Liliana Paolinelli's Por Sus Propios Ojos.