Inits third round of funding, the Berlin-based World Cinema Fund (WCF) hasselected four projects for production support and one project to back forGerman theatrical distribution.
Theproduction funding went to
Faro, La Reine Des Eaux, dir: Salif Traore (
Ghoussoun, dirs: Yaron Shani & Scandar Copti (Israel/Palestine), Inosan Productions (
The Feather Man, dir: Azza El Hassan (
Songs From The Southern Seas, dir: Marat Saralu (
Germandistributor Kool Film received $9,000 (Euros 7,500) for therelease of Brazilian filmmaker Jorge Furtado'sfeature The Man Who Copied about four young people who try to escape their drablives by robbing a bank.
Sincebeing launched in October 2004, the WCF has had 367 projects submitted from 52countries in the focus regions of
Twenty projectsreceived production or distribution funding, and three of these films -Paradise Now, Saratan, Naousse - have been completed and screenedsuccessfully at international festivals.
The WCF was founded as a joint initiative of the German Federal CulturalFoundation and the Berlinale, with the Goethe Institut participating as a co-operation partner sinceFebruary 2005.
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