Hot on the heelsof launching its film production and sales division at Sundance, New FilmsInternational has acquired worldwide rights excluding North America to GrandTheft Parsons, Easy 6and Undermind.

David Caffrey's GrandTheft Parsons screenedat Sundance and stars Christina Applegate and Johnny Knoxville in a true-lifeaccount of the theft of country-rock singer Gram Parsons' body by his managerPhil Kaufman.

Chris Iovenko's Easy6 stars Julian Sands,Katharine Towne, John Savage and James Belushi in the tale of a collegeprofessor whose impulsive attempts to find love teach him more about life thanhe expected.

Nevil Dwek's Undermind centres on two people who wake up ineach other's bodies and stars Sam Trammell, Erik Jensen, Susan May Pratt andEllen Pompeo.

"These filmacquisitions catapult our new worldwide distribution strategy forward as wehead into our first AFM as an exhibitor," company president Nesim Hason said ina statement.

"This is anotherimportant step for New Films as we look to build upon our existing reputation as a supplier of qualityfilm titles."

The acquisitionswere negotiated by Ron Gell, vice president of worldwide acquisitions and co-productions for New FilmsInternational.

Set up in 1996,New Films International plans production and worldwide sales and has earmarked$10m for production and co-production in 2004.