Screen Global Production logo

Source: Screen File

Screen International’s sister site KFTV, the database for production services, has relaunched as Screen Global ProductionVisit it at

Screen Global Production is the international production directory for the film, television and commercials industry. It features details for 18,000 service providers from over 150 countries, including line producers, location managers, post-production houses, film commissions, and equipment rental companies.

Screen Global Production also delves behind the scenes with producers, directors, service providers, and craftspeople about filming in unique locations. It publishes the annualScreen Global Production Guide, which features key information about production locations, and World of Studios which highlights global soundstages.

The new branding signals KFTV’s closer links with Screen International, with the two brands collaborating on:

  • Production newsletters featuring key stories
  • Industry events at markets
  • The annual Global Production Awards, the third edition of which takes place once again at this year’s Cannes Film Festival
  • Commercial and advertising opportunities
  • Coverage of international locations led by Gabriella Geisinger, editor of Screen Global Production

Screen International and Screen Global Production also collaborate on the bi-annual World of Locations special issue.

For commercial enquiries please contact Scott Benfold.
