Peter Greenaway iswriting and will direct a film about Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn. Thefilm, titled Nightwatching, is initiated by Dutch Kasander Film Companyand is due to be released next May (2006) to co-incide with the 400th anniversary ofthe famous painter.

The film is based onthe painting of The Nightwatch, Rembrandt's most famous piece. "Thispainting set off an important change in his life", explains producer KeesKasander. While painting the piece, Rembrandt lost three children and his wife.

Kasander is aimingto release the film at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival. The film's premiere will beaccompanied by a special installation designed by Greenaway for the Rijksmuseumin Amsterdam, which will be displayed next to the actual painting.

Nightwatching, which has a budget estimated at betweenEuros 4m - 6m, is planned to be an English-Dutch-French-German co-production.German Intuit Pictures has boarded the project, as well as the UK's KasanderProductions Limited. The French partner is to be confirmed shortly. Fortissimois believed to be in negotiations to handle international sales.