The Polish Film Institute is teaming with Indian broadcaster Doordarshan and the government of Gujarat to co-produce the documentary Little Poland In Kathiawar, the first official co-production under the Indo-Polish treaty signed earlier this year.
The film, about Polish children sheltered by the Maharaja of Jamnagar during the Second World War, will be directed by Anu Radha and Sumit Osmand Shaw.
The announcement was made at the ‘Co-Producing with Poland’ session at Film Bazaar yesterday. Three other potential Indo-Polish collaborations were presented at the same session - Magdalena Lazarkiewicz’s doc Jam Saheb’s Children; Dorota Kedzierzawska’s feature Idgah, and Re:Paradise, about a Polish couple in India.
The Polish Film Institute has an annual budget of $40m of which $30m has been earmarked for production. “A non-European project can apply for up to Euro333,000 [$428,000],” said Izabela Kiszka-Hoflik, head of international relations, Polish Film Institute.
She clarified that the production must have at least one Polish artistic member or use Polish resources to be eligible for funding.
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