Sohonet has launched of a private cloud storage platform that can be accessed via Sohonet Media Network.

Sohonet Media Storage is described as “an extensible, secure and flexible storage solution which provides additional and supplementary storage capability to existing infrastructures when local storage has reached critical or maximum utilisation.”

Ben Dair, Sohonet’s Director of Product Management, comments “As digital workloads rapidly increase, the demands made on media companies’ IT infrastructure, especially at peak times, is often unsustainable.  Media companies and service providers are crying out for a short term, flexible storage service that enables them to expand and extend storage capability on production or post-production projects quickly, easily and without having to purchase and maintain assets. Sohonet Media Storage has been developed to respond to this need by providing flexible, affordable access to short and long-term archiving, back up, and parking as well as a viable option for intermediate storage or as an alternative to LTO or portable disks.”