The Hollywood Commission, the anti-harassment organisation led by Anita Hill, has launched MyConnext, an online tool and reporting system for entertainment industry workers dealing with workplace abuse. 

Partnering with the Commission on the project are the Directors Guild of America, the Writers Guild of America, West, specified US-based based Amazon productions, all US-based Netflix productions and the Kennedy/Marshall Company. 

The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) is expected to join the platform later this year and members of actors union SAG-AFTRA can access their Safe Place reporting tool through MyConnext. 

Users of the tool can create a time-stamped personal record of their experience, securely report workplace misconduct or make an anonymous report, or opt for a ‘hold and match’ feature that stores a submission pending a second report by another user. 

Users can also speak to an ombudsperson, a neutral third party who can help them understand their options.

Hill, who serves as chair and president of the Hollywood Commission, said: “Workers must believe they will be heard and safe to raise concerns about inappropriate workplace conduct. MyConnext is the online tool they have been asking for. It empowers workers who have experienced or witnessed harassment, discrimination, bullying or abuse by providing them with the resources they need, and reporting options for those who choose to come forward. And it does it in an environment that preserves and protects the rights of all parties with the dignity and sensitivity you would expect of a truly objective, fact-based user experience.”