Mother Of All Shows Still 1 - Wendie Malick

Source: Courtesy Gravitas Ventures

‘Mother Of All Shows’

Gravitas Ventures has acquired US rights to Mother Of All Shows, a dark musical comedy from Canadian multi-hyphenate Melissa D’Agostino. 

Gravitas, which made the deal at the Cannes market with sales representative Cut Entertainment Group, will release the film on TVoD on July 16. The company and the filmmakers are also planning a limited US/Canada theatrical release on that date. 

D’Agostino directed the film, wrote the script with David James Brock and co-stars as Liza, a woman trying to cope with the impending death of her estranged mother Rosa, played by Wendie Malick. In her mind, Liza retreats into a seventies variety show where host Rosa leads an all-singing, all-dancing cast of players from Liza’s past and present. Also starring are Ann Pornel, Darryl Hinds, Juan Chioran, Phil Luzi, Tara Consoli, Michael Miranda and Trevor Martin. 

Mother Of All Shows had its premiere at last year’s Art of Brooklyn Film Festival, where it won prizes for outstanding narrative feature and outstanding director of a narrative feature. 

Gravitas Ventures senior vice president of acquisitions and operations Bill Guentzler said: “We are excited to bring Mother of All Shows to audiences throughout the US. Melissa D’Agostino brings out the brilliant talent of Wendie Malick in a way we have never seen before while being endearing, empathetic, and filled with emotion, with sincere comic elements throughout.”