Harvey weinstein

Source: Mandoga Media Alamy

Qatar-based Bein Media Group, the owner of Miramax, is said to be angling for a bid at the film and TV assets of The Weinstein Company, the embattled venture launched by disgraced Harvey Weinstein and his brother Bob.

The development could complicate a previously announced $275m bid by the consortium led by Mexican businesswoman Maria Contreras-Sweet, who led the US Small Business Administration under president Obama.

However Contreras-Sweet and her associates appear to have lost momentum in recent weeks. While that is not to say their bid is over by any stretch, it does open the door for a potential reunion between the Weinstein brothers and the brand they launched back in 1979.

Miramax grew into an awards titan before the brothers sold it to Disney in 1993 and eventually departed in 2005 following an acrimonious relationship with their parent company. Shortly thereafter they launched The Weinstein Company.

Harvey Weinstein, who faces numerous rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment allegations, was fired as the company’s co-chairman and resigned from its board, however he is an equity shareholder and as such may have retained voting rights.