The Film Department has acquired Jeff Morris’ action-comedy screenplay True Memoirs Of An International Assassin.

Michael De Luca, Alissa Phillips, Mark Gill (pictured) and Robert Katz will produce, with Neil Sacker and Michael Goguen on board as executive producers.

True Memoirs Of An International Assassin is the title of a fictitious debut novel that changes an ordinary man’s life and lands him in hot water when he goes on holiday to Belize.

When a local crime lord thinks the hitman in the book is the author’s alter-ego, he hires the writer to assassinate the prime minister. The author must find a way to stand up to the gangster and become the hero he has always dreamed of being.

True Memoirs is an ingenious idea, exceedingly funny and, unlike too many movies these days, strikingly original,” The Film Department’s Gill said. “We’re thrilled to have gotten it and to be working with Mike De Luca, whose track record, especially in this genre, is enviable.”

Morris has Dork Recess set up with Davis Entertainment for Twentieth Century Fox.