
Source: Getaway Films

Brahim Chioua, Vincent Maraval

Need to know: Wild Bunch co-founders Vincent Maraval and Brahim Chioua announced in 2019 they were spinning out the company’s famed sales department as a standalone outfit bannered Wild Bunch International (WBI). Getaway was born out of this move a few months later, following the realisation that the team needed to be more involved in content creation. Longtime Wild Bunch staffer Noëmie Devide was also a co-founder and now pilots the company. It kicked off with Alexandre Aja’s French-language sci-fi thriller Oxygen, released in May 2021, and followed it with Dario Argento’s Berlin premiere Dark Glasses in co-production with Rome-based Urania Pictures.

Key Personnel: Brahim Chioua, Noëmie Devide and Vincent Maraval, co-founders and producers; Laurence Clerc, CFO; Eva Dottelonde, production and development executive.

Incoming: Michel Hazanavicius’s zombie comedy Final Cut premieres in Cannes as the opening film. Its fourth production Le Roi Des Ombres will launch on Netflix in 2023. Directed by Marc Fouchard, it is based on an original idea by French rap star Kaaris, drawing inspiration from an ancestral African legend and transposing it onto contemporary France with a gallery of characters. Getaway’s next feature, in co-production with Aja, is Night Of The Hunted by director Franck Khalfoun.

Noëmie Devide says: “We’ve been lucky to start this new venture by working on projects from top directors that got greenlit very quickly. We hope to continue on this path in the future, alternating the production of quality movies for theatres and platforms. Our aim is to work with filmmakers from various horizons on ambitious projects and help them [realise] their vision the best we can.” 
