Seville International is launching sales at the AFM next week on the Spanish-language film Advantages Of Traveling By Train.

Morena Films is producing the feature and is ramping up for a production start in December and will shoot mostly in San Sebastián, Spain, with select scenes being shot in Paris, France.

Award-winning shorts director Aritz Moreno makes his feature directorial debut from a screenplay by Enemy screenwriter Javier Gullón based on the novel by Antonio Orejudo. Advantages Of Traveling By Train follows a young editor who takes her seat on a train beside a psychiatrist and expert in personality dysfunctions.

When the doctor recounts the story of Martín Urales de Úbeda – the worst case he has ever experienced – it sets the editor off on an investigation that will change her life. Luis Tosar, Ernesto Alterio, Pilar Castro, Belén Cuesta, and Ingrid García Jonsson star alongside Javier Botet and Gilbert Melki.

Producers include Merry Colomer and Juan Gordon of Morena Films, along with Leire Apellaniz of Sr & Sra, and Frédéric Fiore of Logical Pictures.

“Framed in a melting pot of genres ranging from the blackest comedy to absolute terror, Aritz Moreno, our most promising new director, applies his detailed narrative to one of the most rich and original proposals of contemporary cinema,” said Colomer and Apellaniz. “We’ve joined forces to lift this project from the darkness to the most hilarious limbo. Advantages Of Travelling By Train will freeze your smile.”

“We are ecstatic to work with such a talented and celebrated production team and cast on this phenomenal and offbeat story,” said Seville International senior vice-president of sales Anick Poirier. “It should be a hell of a ride.”