UPDATE: Graham King and former Warner Bros Motion Picture Group president Jeff Robinov have been taking meetings with Hollywood players over a potential venture.

According to reports circulating in Hollywood, the pair are in early talks with Dune Capital Management chairman and CEO Steve Mnuchin.

Screendaily understands King and Robinov recently took a meeting with Sony in what observers said was one of what could be several early discussions with potential production partners. A Sony spokesperson did not return calls to comment.

Robinov had been rumoured to be in line for a top job at Fox in the wake of his departure from Warner Bros last June, however that has not materialised.

The former agent is riding high on the success of Gravity, the film he greenlit that just crossed $310m at the worldwide box office.

King has taken a lower profile since the budget furore over Hugo two years ago and was back in the Oscar conversation last year when he served as executive producer on the best picture winner, Argo. That was one of three films on which he has collaborated with Robinov, the others being The Departed and The Town.

The UK producer currently has Jersey Boys and Tomb Raider lined up. According to sources he is exploring many options and the same can doubtless be said of Robinov.